Refractory material is refractory not less than 1580 ℃, have good resistance to thermal shock and chemical erosion, low thermal conductivity and low expansion coefficient of non-metallic materials. Refractory degree refers to the refractory cone specimen in the absence of load conditions, resistance to high temperature effect without softening the melting of the Celsius temperature.
(1580 ~ 1770 ℃), high-grade refractory materials (1770 ~ 2000 ℃) and special refractory materials (above 2000 ℃); according to the chemical characteristics of acid refractory materials, according to the chemical characteristics of refractory materials, Neutral refractory materials and alkaline refractories. In addition, there are refractory materials for special occasions.
Acid refractory material to silicon oxide as the main component, commonly used silica brick and clay brick. Silica brick is silicon oxide containing more than 94% of the silicon products, the use of raw materials are silica, waste silicon brick, and its anti-acid slag erosion ability, load softening temperature is high, repeated calcination volume does not shrink, or even slightly inflated; But it is susceptible to alkaline slag erosion, poor thermal shock resistance. Silicone brick is mainly used for coke oven, glass melting furnace, acid-making steel furnace and other thermal equipment. Clay brick with refractory clay as the main raw material, containing 30% to 46% of alumina, is a weak acid refractory, heat shock resistance, acid slag corrosion resistance, widely used.
Neutral refractories with alumina, chromium oxide or carbon as the main component. Alumina containing 95% or more corundum products is a wider use of high quality refractories. Chromium brick as the main component of the steel brick on the corrosion resistance of steel slag, but the thermal shock resistance is poor, high temperature load deformation temperature is low. Carbon refractories are carbon brick, graphite products and silicon carbide products, the thermal expansion coefficient is very low, high thermal conductivity, good thermal shock resistance, high temperature strength, acid and salt erosion, especially weak acid Better resistance, from metal and slag wetting, light weight. Widely used as high temperature lining materials, but also for oil, chemical kettle lining.
Alkaline refractory materials to magnesium oxide, calcium oxide as the main component, commonly used is magnesium brick. Magnesium oxide containing 80% to 85% magnesium oxide is very resistant to alkaline slag and iron slag, and the refractoriness is higher than that of clay brick and silica brick. Mainly used for flat furnace, oxygen converter, electric furnace, non-ferrous metal smelting equipment and some high-temperature equipment.
Refractories for special applications include high temperature oxide materials such as alumina, lanthanum oxide, beryllium oxide, calcium oxide, zirconia and the like, refractory compound materials such as carbides, nitrides, borides, silicides and sulfides Etc .; high temperature composite materials, mainly metal ceramics, high temperature inorganic coating and fiber reinforced ceramics.
Common refractories:
Frequently used refractory materials are AZS brick, corundum brick, direct combination of magnesia-chrome brick, silicon carbide brick, silicon nitride combined with silicon carbide brick, nitride, silicide, sulfide, boride, carbide and other non-oxide refractories ; Calcium oxide, chromium oxide, alumina, magnesium oxide, beryllium oxide and other refractories.
Frequently used insulation refractories are diatomaceous earth products, asbestos products, thermal panels and so on.
The refractory refractory material is made of refractory refractory, refractory castable, refractory castable, refractory castable, refractory castable,