
Glass Melting Furnace - The best Crucible Melting Furnace from Luwei Melting Furnaces.

Description of Glass Melting Furnace
Glass Melting Furnaces for melting and fritting are widely used in glass manufacturing due to their excellent temperature range, flexible configurations, and ease of access. As these are predominately batch furnaces in a box furnace configuration they can be specified as either bottom loading or front loading, but in the process of glass melting, access is highly facilitated.

The Glass Melting Furnaces product are used as day container. SiC rod heating in the furnace roof provide for fast heating times. A robust chamber insulation of refractory bricks in the bottom and non-classified fiber in the roof allows efficient working with low power consumption. The melting furnace is the appliance in a hot glass studio that holds the molten glass that will be gathered or ladled out to make glass products.

Features of Glass Melting Furnace
Glass Melting Furnace is a one-of-a-kind. With our advanced controller your furnace will follow your temperature curve. And, at the same time, controls the glass melting process evenly in every part of the furnace. We supply Glass Melting Furnaces to glass blowers and medium sized businesses. We design and manufacture the furnaces to your specific needs.

